
Carbochim SA - Current report

Report date: 17.03.2009 Company Name: s.c.carbochim S.A Company headquarters: Cluj-Napoca, 1May market, No.3 Phone / fax: 0264437005/0264437026 Unique code: 201535 ro Registered business number: j12/123/1991 Subscribed and paid capital: 9,705,997.50 USD

Regular market that issued securities are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Board of s.c.carbochim S.A. Ordinary General Meeting convened and further extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 27.04.2009 at 10 at company headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, Piata 1 Mai Str, No. 3 market for all shareholders registered in the register of shareholders at the end of the day 17.04 .2009, with the following agenda:

i.Pentru ordinary general meeting of shareholders report of the board in 2008 and discharge managers.

2.audit report for 2008.

3.presentated and approved balance sheet, profit and loss account for 2008.

4.repartized net profit: net profit, amounting to 755,684 lei, remain as retained earnings.

5.prezentation and approval of budget revenue and expenditure for the year 2009.

approvment of investment program for 2009.

approval for date of 15.05.2009, the date for identifying shareholders, which is to be considerable impact on decisions of the general effects of the shareholders.

ii.For extraordinary general shareholders

approval of business strategy for 2009.

approval to extend credit lines totaling 6,000,000 ROL and their coverage by mortgages on company assets.

approval the date of 15.05.2009, the date for identifying shareholders, upon which decisions are to be resfringa effects general meeting of shareholders.

Materials on issues included in the agenda are available at the company starting with 26.03.2009. if they will not meet the percentage of representation of capital provided by statute, the second meeting will take place on 28.04.2009, at the same time. shareholders may attend the general meeting directly with the identity and the proof of the quality of shareholder, or by proxy, given to the representatives, as required by law. proxy form can be obtained at the company fits on 18.04.2009.

After completing and signing a copy of the special power of attorney shall be deposited at the company, till date 24.04.2009, at 12.

Additional information can be obtained at telephone number 0264-437005. Chairman of the Board CEO Eng Popoviciu Viorel