
Welding electrodes

We are pleased to announce the diversification of our trading with a new related product. esb50 welding electrodes - electrodes esr13 BSE-50 - Standard Basic electrodes en499 Basic welding electrodes are used to build and weld difficult joints ,to weld even the cracks, the steel with carbon content up to 0.4%.

Weld metal exhibit good properties up to-600C. recommendations: welding equipment mechanic, steel construction (bridges, pipes and conduits), shipbuilding, tanks and pressure vessels. esr-13 electrodes - electrodes rutile rutile welding electrodes en499 standard, general purpose can be used in both AC and DC. Arc characteristics are stable, fast transfer of metal into fine droplets. ignition and re-ignition ensures easy arc welding combined very smooth metal base and welded mass goalless.

Hard themselves away completely. Recommendations:-welding horizontal threads, the thin sheets and narrow groove - use in all types of mild steel processing, maintenance and repair welds where required, easy operation and neat appearance. dmensionala range: BSE-50 BSE-50 2.5x350 3.5x450 4x450 esr BSE-50-13-13 3.5x450 2.5x350 esr esr-13 4x450.